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Daily announcements keeping the pharmacy market current on industry news, products, services, and trends.


Pharmacy Platinum Pages Buyer’s Guide

A 200+ page annual buyer’s guide for pharmacy managers encompassing every pharmacy category and practice setting.


20Ways Publications

Quarterly publications profiling 20 products and services that help pharmacy management improve patient care and pharmacy profitability.



An 80+ aisle digital trade show exhibiting leading companies throughout every pharmacy category and practice setting, 24/7.

Thought Leader Video Series

Thought Leader Video Series

Informative video series comprised of interviews with industry thought leaders on topical subjects impacting the pharmacy market.

Pharmacy Case Studies


A library of case studies on specific products and services that help pharmacies improve patient care, profitability, and cost containment.

Virtual Pharmacy Job EXPO

Virtual Pharmacy Job EXPO

A 50 aisle digital career exposition for pharmacy professionals to connect with leading employers throughout every practice setting, 24/7.

RXinsider eLearning Center

Market Training

Strengthen your team’s acumen and understanding of the pharmacy market space with a digital learning center containing 90+ video-based activities (1500+ minutes of online learning).

B2B Marketing Solutions

B2B Marketing Solutions

Need to connect with pharmacy decision-makers? Contact RXinsider to learn how we can help.

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